Sunday, December 31, 2006


Reports of an alien spacecraft being struck by lightning and crashing late at night in early July, 1947, near Roswell, New Mexico, were the beginnings of the most compelling event in all UFO lore.

Originally reported in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram and confirmed by military officials as authentic, the report was later refuted by the military and the crash remains were claimed to be nothing more than a weather balloon.

Renowned aviation artist Tony Weddel has depicted the moments before the crash by capturing the object as an alien spacecraft in the initial stages of its death throes. In freefall, moments after being hit by a lightning upstroke, debris can already be seen in the slipstream. Seconds later it would careen off the desert floor on the way to its final resting place. Shedding debris from a fatal wound, its struggle for survival and the lives of seven aliens purportedly ended 40 miles later when it slammed into the wall of an arroyo.

The unusual appearance of the UFO is based on various eyewitness accounts and other sources.

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Hanna Reitsch

A German WWII test pilot who has been called
"The Century’s Greatest Pilot"

"The fastest and most dangerous plane, she tested was the top secret German rocket plane, after three male pilots had died in their attempts. First she flew the prototype without the motor, the Me 163A. Then she flew the militarized version, the Me 163B, Komet. [This experimental interceptor, in a minute and a half after takeoff climbed at a 65-degree angle to 30,000 feet. It traveled 500 mph -- the fastest any human had ever gone.] Reitsch launched behind a tow plane at Regensburg, and the takeoff gear failed to drop away from her aircraft. The little fighter was supposed to land on a tough skid in its belly, but now the heavy axle with outsized wheels hung canted to one side beneath the fuselage. The plane vibrated alarmingly and was very heavy on the controls. Flares from the airfield alerted Reitsch that she indeed had an emergency. Radios of the time were heavy, unreliable devices, and Reitsch couldn't get hers to work. She had no way of contacting either the ground or the towplane. With no communications, the despairing tow plane pilot grimly pulled her up to 3,000 meters altitude, and Reitsch cut loose.

Built with swept wings for a rocket-blast climb to altitude and a near-sonic glide attack on Allied bomber formations, the Komet was fast. With its heavy landing gear still attached, it was even faster. It dropped like an anvil with wings. "Bale out?" Unthinkable. The Me163 was too new, too advanced for such a waste. So at great risk and without the foggiest guess about how the landing gear had configured itself in the airstream, Reitsch attempted a landing. What balls! Hanna managed to land it in a plowed field, but the plane flipped. In the sliding, smashing, grinding mass of twisting, tearing metal and breaking glass, Reitsch's face catapulted into the instrument panel. Finally, everything stopped. Thank God there was no fuel aboard, for the little Komet surely would have burned and exploded. Astounded to be alive and upright in the wreckage, Reitsch tried to get out. The canopy was jammed, so all she could do now would be wait for the rescue crew to arrive.

She killed time until the ambulance and fire truck could get to her by sketching and labeling the details of her accident. Shifting the clipboard to avoid more blood splashes from her face, she noticed a rubbery object in her lap and picked it up. It was her nose. At the hospital, doctors discovered that Reitsch had fractured her skull in six places. She'd smashed the bones of her detached nose irretrievably and displaced her upper jawbone. She'd broken several vertebrae and bruised her brain severely. She nearly died. It took Regensburg Surgeon Doctor Bodewig five months of plastic surgery and neurosurgery to repair the Führer's most valuable aviator. It took Reitsch's own iron will five more months to rip her free of physical weakness and mental despair. As he awarded Reitsch the Iron Cross of the Knight's Cross, First Class, the only woman to receive this medal, Adolf Hitler himself forbade her ever again to attempt such a foolhardy feat."

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

100 Questions about the JFK Assassination

1) Why were over 58 eyewitnesses to the assassination ignored by the Warren Commission when they said they felt shots had NOT come from the Book Depository?
2) Why did most persons in Dealey Plaza run up the Grassy Knoll after the shots; while the authorities ran to the Book Depository?
3) Why were MULTIPLE rifles found at the Book Depository and then all but one made to 'disappear'?
4) Why were ongoing de-escalation plans for Vietnam reversed within 48 hrs of the assassination?
5) Why were the ten persons taken into custody in Dealey Plaza all released, some without so much as their names taken? What is the evidence (officially ignored) that some of them were directly involved?
6) How was 'Watergate' and the ensuing Watergate scandal DIRECTLY connected to the JFK assassination?
7) What MULTIPLE lines of evidence connect the JFK, RFK and MLK assassinations?
8) What are the known (often frightening and bizarre) details of the over 200 persons who were murdered or died VERY suspiciously (and conveniently) after 11/22/63 because they had seen the 'wrong' things, tried to speak up, etc.? Why did they die in "clusters" when investigations were ongoing - sometimes just hours before they were to be questioned?
9) Why was Nixon one of the few Americans who could not correctly remember where he was when the assassination occurred? Why may he have 'forgotten' he was on a plane out of Dallas?
10) Why could J.E. Hoover also not 'remember' he was in Dallas for a meeting just days before the assassination? Why did he show NO surprise at the announcement of JFK's death?
11) What is the evidence that FBI informants (perhaps even Lee Harvey Oswald himself)had warned the FBI of an impending assassination attempt on JFK which the FBI ignored and later denied even getting?
12) What multiple lines of evidence show Ruby and Oswald's FBI and CIA connections?
13) What documents are still being withheld from public scrutiny in the National Archives and WHY? Why 'hide' any when the government 'believes' the act was committed by a 'lone nut'!?
14) Why did so MANY government documents involving Lee Harvey Oswald and others 'disappear’ or said to have been ‘destroyed' - including Lee Harvey Oswald's Army Intelligence files, Lee Harvey Oswald's letter to his FBI contact Hosty and MUCH MORE?
15) Why when Lee Harvey Oswald returned to the USA from the USSR was he NOT officially met by any representatives of the CIA, FBI, State Dept. etc., but WAS met by Spas T Raiken, a former Nazi collaborator with intelligence community connections who the Warren Commission claimed was with 'Traveller's Aid'.
16) Why was Marina Oswald sequestered in a hotel, surrounded with intelligence community connected persons, coached as to what to say and what she had experienced, and threatened with deportation if she did not cooperate?
17) What evidence connect EVERY president since the assassination (with the lone exception of Carter) directly with the assassination or its cover-up!? What are George H.W. Bush's connections to the events of 11/22/63? Why was his name and address in Lee Harvey Oswald’s Dallas friend's address book?
18) Why did Jack Ruby repeatedly implore of the Warren Commissioners to take him out of Dallas and to Washington where he felt he could speak the truth? Why did they NOT take him up on his offer and pleas?
19) What did Jack Ruby mean when he said that he was "no more involved in a conspiracy than you gentlemen" when he spoke to the Warren Commission?
20) Why did Ruby suddenly contract cancer and die just before his new trial was to begin?
21) Why did Dorothy Kilgallen, the only reporter to interview Ruby in prison, die mysteriously days after she said she would "break the case wide open" and her best friend die some days thereafter?
22) How do the events of 11/22/63 and its immediate aftermath STILL effect our everyday political and even personal lives?
23) What Government agencies and other groups were involved in the planning and execution of the President and then cover it up?
24) Why was the single-bullet or "Magic Bullet" theory of the Warren Commission a physical and medical IMPOSSIBILITY?
25) Why do those who played prominently in the assassination and its 'investigation' continually show up in contemporary political life? Are they being 'rewarded' for a 'job well done"?
26) Why did the U.S. Government deliberately LIE to the American People and World about what they knew of the events of the assassination? Why do the CONTINUE to do so?
27) Who felt threatened by JFK? And who gained by his; murder?
Who had the means to kill him and cover it up to look like the work of a lone-nut?
28) How was the Media sometimes cleverly controlled and, at times, complicit in the coverage of events, facts and fiction?
29) Which Mafia bosses and employees, many of whom worked for and with the CIA, were involved in the assassination?
30) What did LBJ mean when he said the U.S. Government had been running a 'Murder Incorporated' down in the Caribbean in the '60's?
31) Why did LBJ insist on being sworn in on Air Force One when he was quite legally President AUTOMATICALLY upon the death of JFK?
32) Why were some of the very same persons who were in Dallas on 11/22/63 also just by 'coincidence' near the RFK murder and Memphis for the MLK assassination?
33) Why did so MANY fear for their lives in the wake of an assassination by a (then dead) lone-nut? Why did so many die suddenly, mysteriously and 'conveniently'?
34) Why did the FBI not react to an informant's report that Joseph Milteer knew in detail how JFK was going to be assassinated weeks before the event? Why did the public never hear that Milteer traveled hundreds of miles to witness the execution with his own eyes? Why was he never questioned by the Warren Commission, House Select Committee or anyone else?
35) Why were the few who attempted to tell the truth of the events harassed, punished, fired from their jobs, discredited, intimidated, marginalized, threatened and often killed?
36) Why did all those who met in Ruby's apartment the evening Ruby killed Oswald die mysteriously thereafter?
37) Why did so many bullets and so much of the physical evidence 'disappear'?
38) Who were the multitude of PHONY 'CIA' and 'Secret Service’ persons (complete with official looking ID) on the Grassy Knoll and around Dealey Plaza on 11/22/63? Why were they stopping persons from moving into certain locations?
39) Why did the driver of the Presidential limousine slow the car during the fusillade rather than accelerate?
40) Why did Secret Service men jump over the body of LBJ and not JFK?
41) Why were several of the Secret Service agents out drinking very late the night before at a club owned by a friend of Ruby's?
42) What did Jack Ruby know when he said "I'm Jack Ruby. You don't know me, but you soon will" just BEFORE the assassination?
43) What evidence is there that Ruby, Oswald and Tippit (as well as others possibly involved) all knew and had been seen meeting each other?
44) Why was so much evidence and testimony suppressed and at times altered?
45) Why to THIS DAY do many live in fear to speak the truth of what they saw or know of the events of Dallas 11/22/63?
46) Why are powerful forces trying to discredit the new JFK movie? Why have 'critics' of the official version of events long been subject to harassment, surveillance and more?
47) Why were so MANY of the movies and photos taken in Dealey Plaza that day CONFISCATED by persons representing themselves as government officials and NEVER returned nor shown to the public?
48) Why do governmental and extra-governmental forces STILL spin dis-information stories related to 11/22/63 and its aftermath?
49) Why were several witnesses offered bribes and/or threatened by the FBI and others to NOT disclose the truth of what they saw?
50) Why were witnesses coached and badgered to get the testimony the Warren Commission 'wanted' to hear? Why were those who saw a different scenario ignored or worse?
51) Why did Warren suggest the Report NOT be published to save printing costs?
52) Why and how did police have a full description of Oswald before those on the investigation scene could have assembled any information to lead to such a conclusion?
53) Why did some newspapers get information only the FBI and CIA had on Oswald to print in their stories within hours of the event? Who leaked this information or had it on hand prior?
54) Why do so few know of the photos that show clear evidence of a conspiracy and even show images of the other conspirators and gunmen?
55) What is known of the multiplicity of mysterious activities of many in Dallas and Dealey Plaza that day?
56) Why did the FBI and CIA at the HIGHEST levels suppress information and work to foil a real investigation into aspects of the assassination?
57) What were the many Nazi and Fascist connections to the assassination
58) What evidence is there of MULTIPLE gunmen in the School Book Depository and other buildings, as well as the Grassy Knoll? 59) Why was 'Lee Harvey Oswald' repeatedly seen at several places SIMULTANEOUSLY in the weeks before the assassination and who were those impersonating him and why?
60) What evidence shows that the person murdered by Ruby is NOT the person exhumed from that grave?
61) Why were so many of the medical evidences tampered with or made to 'disappear'? Why were so many others seemingly altered?
62) Why did someone construct forged composite photos to frame Lee Harvey Oswald prior to the assassination?
63) Why did the JFK autopsy doctor who burned his notes and first draft of the autopsy report get a promotion shortly after this obstruction of justice and/or alteration of fact?
64) Why do the locations of wounds as seen by a team of doctors in Dallas and that evening by another team of doctors in Bethesda Naval Hospital NOT match in number or location!?
65) Why did the CIA and other government entities try to discredit and obstruct Garrison's investigation and frame him on false charges? Why were they so afraid of his investigation?
66) Who was the Army Intelligence man in and around the Texas School Book Depository?
67) Why were Jack Ruby and several of the Dallas Police and others seen repeatedly at multiple assassination-related locations in Dallas that day? How did they seem to 'know' where the 'action' was - or was to be?
68) Why do different documents and identifications of Lee Harvey Oswald show different height and even different faces - not to mention names? What was Lee Harvey Oswald's REAL 'mission' in the USSR and in New Orleans and Dallas after his return? Who did he work for? CIA? FBI?; ONI?
69) Who were the several different men seen fleeing from the Plaza seconds after the shots rang out?
70) Why did the eyewitness reports of persons seeing men with rifles in Dealey Plaza before and during the shooting receive so little 'official' attention and even suppression?
71) Why was JFK's body ILLEGALLY removed from Dallas and Texas jurisdiction? Why did the FBI remove all of the other physical evidence to Washington? Why was a Grand Jury never convened?
72) Why did the Warren Commission and FBI seem to repeatedly and consistently mis-spell the names of those who's involvement might shed light on a possible conspiracy? Was this 'conspiratorial dyslexia' on the government's part?
73) Were one or more bullets and bullet fragments removed secretly from JFK's brain as much evidence indicates?
74) Why was his brain never sectioned and studied? Why and to where did it disappear along with other essential medical evidence?
75) Why do the descriptions of the size, colour and other details of the coffin JFK's body was placed into in Dallas NOT match those his body was in when it arrived for autopsy in Washington?
Was there a 'switch' and tampering with the body during the flight?
76) Why were the autopsy doctors ORDERED to NOT follow certain STANDARD medical procedures and investigate certain wounds etc.?
77) What was the Government's role in obstruction of justice after the fact...if not before?
78) Why were the seven particular persons on the Warren Commission selected? Why did several have intelligence community connections? Why were some enemies of JFK?
79) Has our Government been 'illegitimate' since 11/22/63? Are we still living with the legacy of a coup d'etat in America? Are the 'coup' leaders still firmly in control?
80) Is: 'ignorance bliss'? Does: 'knowledge imply responsibility'? Does: 'silence equal complicity'?
81) What can be done to understand and finally undo this entire(long overdue) situation? Is Knowledge and Truth the first step to talking back our country? What ARE the facts? Why are they obscured from the average American?
82) Is the assassination of JFK the PIVOTAL event of American History since the Second World War? Is an understanding of the events a NECESSARY precursor to understanding EVERY MAJOR political event that has happened since - right up to TODAY!?
83) Why did Jack Ruby suddenly have a dramatic improvement in his financial situation just prior to the assassination?
84) Why did several persons not 'officially' thought to have been involved suddenly flee Dallas immediately after the Event?
85) Why did the Washington D.C. phone system fail for several minutes immediately during and after the assassination?
86) Why were most of the Cabinet conveniently and coincidentally out of the country at the time?
87) Why was the Navy man with the launch codes for the atomic weapons separated from JFK and LBJ? What foreknowledge did the Military have? What possible participation?
88) Can the deaths and destruction at home and abroad in Vietnam and ALL the subsequent wars be understood by an analysis of the JFK assassination?
89) Was Lee Harvey Oswald a CIA agent, as much evidence seems to indicate?
90) Need the American People question if our government and institutions of government have had ANY legitimacy since 11/22/63?
91) What Right-Wing groups and Businessmen were involved in the plot? Why?
92) Why were NO notes kept by ANYONE who interrogated Lee Harvey Oswald over a 48 hr period?
93) Why did Lee Harvey Oswald say "I am just a patsy"? Was he 100% correct?
94) Why does much evidence show that Lee Harvey Oswald did not even hold a rifle that day - and perhaps NOT even OWN one?
95) Why did then Governor Reagan refuse to extradite several persons suspected of direct involvement in the assassination for trial and then get suggested as a Presidential candidate?
96) Why did Lee Harvey Oswald have to be executed within 48hrs of his alleged crime? Was he 'supposed' to have been killed prior?
97) How did Ruby gain entry into the Police station? Were the police waiting for Ruby to enter before moving Oswald?
98) Why did forces high in the FBI order the DESTRUCTION of a note Oswald had given to FBI agent Hosty in Dallas days before the assassination?
99) Why do CIA and other documents show a coordinated effort to 'destroy' the critics of the Warren Commission and the Government's BIG LIE of the events of 11/22/63?
100) Did America DIE along with JFK that day in Dallas 11/22/63?


Abraham Lincoln was elected to Congress in 1846
John F Kennedy was elected to Congress in 1946

Abraham Lincoln was elected President in 1860
John F. Kennedy was elected President in 1960

The names Lincoln and Kennedy each contain seven letters

Both were particularly concerned with civil rights

Both wives lost their children while living in the White House

Both Presidents were shot on a Friday

Both Presidents were shot in the head

Lincoln's secretary was named Kennedy
Kennedy's secretary was named Lincoln

Both were assassinated by Southerners
Both were succeeded by Southerners named Johnson

Andrew Johnson, who succeeded Lincoln, was born in 1808
Lyndon Johnson, who succeeded Kennedy, was born in 1908

John Wilkes Booth, who assassinated Lincoln, was born in 1839
Lee Harvey Oswald, who assassinated Kennedy, was born in 1939

Both assassins were known by their three names
Both names are composed of fifteen letters

Lincoln was shot at the theater named 'Ford'
Kennedy was shot in a car called 'Lincoln'

Booth ran from the theater and was caught in a warehouse
Oswald ran from a warehouse and was caught in a theater

Booth and Oswald were assassinated before their trials


A week before Lincoln was shot, he was in Monroe, Maryland.
A week before Kennedy was shot, he was in Marilyn Monroe


Saturday, November 18, 2006


MercedesT80 the German land speed record vehicle

Killinger and Freund Motorrad
the front wheel drive motorcycle

Franz Kruchenberg Schienenzeppelin
the rail zeppelin bullet train

Ritter Midgard-Schlange
the snaking tunneler tank project

Alkett Vskfz 617 Minenräumer
the minesweeping giant armored tractor

Krupp Kugelpanzer
mysterious German ball tank

Borgward Seeteufel
tracked amphibious midget submarine

Opel Raketen Motorrad
the rocket motorcycle

Raumpanzer Tiger (P) Rammtiger
anti-obstacle ramming tank

Holzbrenner Volkswagens wood-burning cars

Opel rocket vehicles rocket train and racing cars

Nazi gas vans Margirus black raven debate

SS Panzerwagen ADGZ
the anti-partisan vehicle

Panzerkampfwagen VII Löwe
the German tank that could have been

Skoda RSO tractors
captured armored workhorse

Panzerkampfwagen VIII Maus
the colossal tank

Mercedes 260D
Gestapo gangster car

Sturmpanzer Wulf
the enigmatic SS independent tank design

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Denial of Holocaust nothing new in Iran

Ties to Hitler led to plots against British and Jews
Sunday, January 8, 2006

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has shot to the forefront of Holocaust denial with his rabble-rousing remarks last month. But it's more like self-denial. The president of Iran need only look to his country's Hitler-era past to discover that Iran and Iranians were strongly connected to the Holocaust and the Hitler regime, as was the entire Islamic world under the leadership of the Mufti of Jerusalem.

Iran's axis with the Third Reich began during the prewar years, when it welcomed Nazi Gestapo agents and other operatives to Tehran, allowing them to use the city as a base for Middle East agitation against the British and the region's Jews.

Key among these German agents was Fritz Grobba, Berlin's envoy to the Middle East, who was often called "the German Lawrence," because he promised a Pan-Islamic state stretching from Casablanca to Tehran.

Relations between Berlin and Tehran were strong from the moment Hitler came to power in 1933. At that time, Reza Shah Pahlavi's nation was known as Persia. The shah became a stalwart admirer of Hitler, Nazism and the concept of the Aryan master race. He also sought the Reich's help in reducing British petro-political domination.

So intense was the Shah's identification with the Third Reich that in 1935 he renamed his ancient country "Iran," which in Farsi means Aryan and refers to the Proto-Indo-European lineage that Nazi racial theorists and Persian ethnologists cherished.

The idea for the name change was suggested by the Iranian ambassador to Germany, who came under the influence of Hitler's trusted banker, Hjalmar Schacht. From that point, all Iranians were constantly reminded that their country shared a common bond with the Nazi regime.

Shortly after World War II broke out in 1939, the Mufti of Jerusalem crafted a strategic alliance with Hitler to exchange Iraqi oil for active Arab and Islamic participation in the murder of Jews in the Mideast and Eastern Europe. This was predicated on support for a pan-Arab state and Arab control over Palestine.

During the war years, Iran became a haven for Gestapo agents. It was from Iran that the seeds of the abortive 1941 pro-Nazi coup in Baghdad were planted. After Churchill's forces booted the Nazis out of Iraq in June 1941, German aircrews supporting Nazi bombers escaped across Iraq's northern border back into Iran.

Likewise, the Mufti of Jerusalem was spirited across the border to Tehran, where he continued to call for the destruction of the Jews and the defeat of the British.

His venomous rhetoric filled the newspapers and radio broadcasts in Tehran. The mufti was a vocal opponent of allowing Jewish refugees to be transported or ransomed into Jewish Palestine. Instead, he wanted them shipped to the gas chambers of Poland.

In the summer of 1941, the Mufti, with the support of key Iranian military and government leaders, advocated implementing in Iran what had failed months earlier in Iraq. The plan once again was for a total diversion of oil from the Allies to the Nazis, in exchange for the accelerated destruction of the Jews in Eastern Europe and the Nazis' support for an Arab state. Through the Anglo-Iranian Oil Co., Iran had already been supplying Hitler's forces in occupied Czechoslovakia and Austria.

Now, the mufti agitated to cut off the British and the Allies completely and supply Germany in its push against Russia.

In October 1941, British, USSR other allied forces invaded Iran to break up the Iran-Nazi alliance. Pro-Nazi generals and ministers were arrested, and the shah's son was installed in power. The mufti scampered into the Italian embassy, where he shaved his beard and dyed his hair. In this disguise, he was allowed to leave the country along with the rest of the Italian delegation.

Once the mufti relocated permanently to Berlin, where he established his own Reich-supported "bureau," he was given airtime on Radio Berlin. From Berlin and other fascist capitals in Europe, the mufti continued to agitate for international Jewish destruction, as well as a pan-Islamic alliance with the Nazi regime.

He called upon all Muslims to "kill the Jews wherever you see them." In Tehran's marketplace, it was common to see placards that declared, "In heaven, Allah is your master. On Earth, it is Adolf Hitler."

When the Mufti raised three divisions of Islamic Waffen SS to undertake cruel operations in Bosnia, among the 30,000 killers were some volunteer contingents from Iran. Iranian Nazis, along with the other Muslim Waffen SS, operated under the direct supervision of Heinrich Himmler and were responsible for barbarous actions against Jews and others in Bosnia. Recruitment for the murderous "Handschar Divisions" was done openly in Iran.

Iran and its leaders were not only aware of the Holocaust, they played both sides. The country offered overland escape routes for refugee Jews fleeing Nazi persecution to Israel -- and later fleeing postwar Iraqi fascist persecution -- but only in exchange for extortionate passage fees.

Thousands of Jews journeyed to Israel via Iran both during the Holocaust and during the years after the fall of Hitler, when Arab leaders, especially in Iraq, tried to continue Germany's anti-Jewish program. Iran profited handsomely.

Since the shah's downfall, Iran has become a center for organized international Holocaust denial and has helped elevate the endeavour from fringe hate speech to a state-approved pseudo-intellectual debate.

In international forums and on state-controlled radio, Iranian university experts and journalists help validate the revisionist views that Jews were never gassed or murdered in great numbers during the Holocaust.

Indeed, Iran has become a refuge for the biggest names in European Holocaust denial. When in 2000, revisionist author Jürgen Graf was sentenced in Switzerland to 15 months in prison for Holocaust falsification, Graf fled to Tehran "at the invitation of a group of Iranian scholars and university professors who are sympathetic to Holocaust revisionism," according to the Institute for Historical Review, a denial clearinghouse.

What's more, in May 2000, Iran's embassy in Vienna granted asylum to Austrian Holocaust denier Wolfgang Fröhlich, who testified as a so-called expert witness during Graf's 1998 trial. This saved Fröhlich from Austria's severe anti-Holocaust denial statutes. Fröhlich argued that evidence proved no Jews were killed by Zyklon B gassing.

Earlier, about 600 journalists and 160 members of the Iranian parliament signed petitions supporting French revisionist Roger Garaudy, who was fined $40,000 by French authorities for his book claiming the Holocaust was a myth. When Garaudy landed in Iran, the country's supreme spiritual leader, Ayatollah Sayyad Khamenei, granted him an audience and lauded his work.

Iran has played a leading role in the Holocaust drama and now tries to deny it. That should be very hard in a nation that was named for Hitler's master race.

~Edwin Black is the author of "Banking on Baghdad" about the Nazi-Arab alliance.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Why do THEY hate us?

From an address to a joint session of the US Congress: President George W. Bush

"Americans are asking ``Why do they hate us?'' They hate what they see right here in this chamber: a democratically elected government. Their leaders are self-appointed. They hate our freedoms: our freedom of religion, our freedom of speech, our freedom to vote and assemble and disagree with each other. "
~ George W. Bush,
20 September, 2001

From Göbbels' New Year address to Germany

They hate our people because it is decent, brave, industrious, hardworking and intelligent. They hate our views, our social policies, and our accomplishments. They hate us as a Reich and as a community. They have forced us into a struggle for life and death. We will defend ourselves accordingly. All is clear between us and our enemies.
~Josef G
öbbels 31 December 1939

Weapons of Mass Destruction

These Weapons of Mass Destruction cannot be displayed

The weapons you are looking for are currently unavailable. The country might be experiencing technical difficulties, or you may need to adjust your weapons inspectors mandate.

Please try the following:

  • Click the refresh.gif (82 bytes) Regime change button, or try again later.
  • If you are George Bush and typed the country's name in the address bar, make sure that it is spelled correctly. (IRAQ).
  • To check your weapons inspector settings, click the UN menu, and then click Weapons Inspector Options. On the Security Council tab, click Consensus. The settings should match those provided by your government or NATO.
  • If the Security Council has enabled it, The United States of America can examine your country and automatically discover Weapons of Mass Destruction.
    If you would like to use the CIA to try and discover them,
    click Detect Settings Detect Weapons 
  • Some countries require 128 thousand troops to liberate them. Click the Panic menu and then click About US foreign policy to determine what regime they will install.
  • If you are an Old European Country trying to protect your interests, make sure your options are left wide open as long as possible. Click the Tools menu, and then click on League of Nations. On the Advanced tab, scroll to the Head in the Sand section and check settings for your exports to Iraq.
  • Click the Bomb button if you are Donald Rumsfeld.

Cannot find weapons or CIA Error
Iraqi Explorer

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Hitler’s Weapons Of Mass Destruction … Just Found!

Interesting news has been reported in Berlin.

It seems that captured papers from the secret police of the defunct East German government have revealed that the runways of the Schoenefeld airport in East Berlin may sit atop thousands of bombs and other ordnance of Nazi stores from WWII.

Surprisingly, the reports also claim that several Nazi fighter planes fully loaded with bombs and fuel are buried in secret bunkers under the airport awaiting future use. It seems that the former communists of the East German government spirited away all this captured Nazi ordnance and aircraft for their own possible use, buried them in old Nazi bunkers under the city and then the fact that this stash was created was forgotten with time.

As it turns out the sandy soil of East Berlin made bunker making easy for the Hitler government during WWII and such bunkers are being discovered on a regular basis in the newly westernized part of Germany. It also turns out that these bunkers have been forgotten for the most part as millions of people roam about living their lives above the detritus of forgotten war secrets. There are even museums and tourist attractions being created out of these discoveries in East Berlin.

Capitalism is a wonderful thing. Here we have a secretive former government, Hitler’s Germany, creating deep bunkers with secret places not known to the general public. Then we have a second secretive government, the Soviets, taking over those bunkers and filling them with unknown quantities of ordnance and war material.

All this happened over 5 decades ago. Files were kept, people knew but the fact that these weapons were so well hidden for so long might astonish you. Until you realize that the governments that created these bunkers and caches of weapons were secretive, tyrannical governments that governed their people by fear and torture.

Much like Saddam Hussein, really. Now let us similarly realize that Saddam had 12 years to also hide his own weapons and war material and we should not be so surprised that we have yet to find his stashes. Add to this the fact that several of the nations around him were sympathetic to his cause and certainly would love to have taken his weapons for themselves. It took 5 decades to find these Nazi/Soviet stashes. We have had only several months to find Saddam’s!

Fully armed Nazi bomber planes 'buried below East Berlin airport' from the

(This article was heard as a counter point commentary on WYSO Public Radio, Yellow Springs, Ohio)

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

The Lure of Pseudoscience

Pseudoscience uses the language, and attempts to use the authority, of Science without being true to its method.

Pseudoscientists often play upon the audience's fears, wishes, and prejudices, rather than relying on rigorous approaches to arrive at a best possible (but provisional) answer.

Pseudoscientists can often be benign, but their lack of critical thinking has in the past allowed unscrupulous people and movements to take advantage of them.

For example, Adolf Hitler's rise to power in Germany is at least in part due to pseudoscientific movements of the early 20th Century.

The National Socialist German Workers' (NAZI) Party, founded in 1920 and of which Hitler became President in 1921 was a combination of two previously existing parties - the National Socialist Party and the German Workers' Party, populist right-wing parties organized to get the support of the common German people as a counter to the rising Communist Party.

These two proto-Nazi parties were created by the Thule Geselleschaft, with its symbol the swastika derived from Indian iconography. This organization was a rabidly anti-Semetic and anti-Communist Bavarian branch of the Germanenorden, a fellowship interested in the study of the origin, history, and culture of the Aryan peoples. ("Aryan" in this context is equivalent to today's term "Indo-European": a major group of languages with a shared ancient historical connection). The Germanenorden combined "secret society" aspects of Freemasonry with the turn-of-the-century movement of Theosophy, a religion combining then-current natural historical sciences (especially historical geology, evolutionary biology, anthropology, and archaeology) with occult mysticism.

Within cultures like the Third Reich, the USSR, and other oppressive authoritarian regimes, pseudoscience could flourish for a variety of reasons:

-Lack of free and open discourse between domestic and with international researchers meant that the debate and dialogue necessary for critical evaluations of ideas could not go on.

-Ideas lacking in critical merit, but which made the policies or ideologies of the State look favorable, would be officially promoted; those which made the policies or ideologies of the State could be dismissed, made illegal, suppressed, or simply regarded as "unpatriotic".

-Individuals which the State looked upon favorably for any reason might get their own pet theories promoted regardless of merit; similarly, those ideas developed by "enemies of the State" could be suppressed even if they had no bearing on the policies and ideologies of the State.

Germany in the early 20th Century had a very well-educated public and was on the cutting edge of many lines of scientific and technical research. Nevertheless, in Nazi Germany many types of pseudoscience flourished alongside real science and technology. In the realm of the Earth sciences, bizarre notions of a Hollow Earth or the World-Ice-Theory found official support.

After the end of the war, legends quickly developed about the possible survival of Hitler and some of his cronies. Among the more bizarre claims were that he may have fled to a secret base in Antarctica, or in the Hollow Earth, or off to the Moon!

Not all pseudoscientific claims are wrapped in politics. For example, the claims that a rotting plesiosaur carcass was found by a Japanese fishing vessel in 1977 continue to be made, even though it was established in 1978 that it was just the remains of a dead basking shark! The media widely reported the "dead plesiosaur" hypothesis, but did not follow up on the results of the investigations that showed a much less exciting answer.

Pseudoscience can be promoted for financial reasons. Pulp science fiction magazine publisher Ray Palmer (of Amazing Stories) ran a series of letters by Richard Shaver in the 1940s. Shaver claimed that during WWII he had wandered into the Hollow Earth, which was populated by four-foot tall bald grey deranged robots called "deros", who flew around in disk-shaped ships, caputered people, probed them, and released them with mind-controlling implants. Shaver's letters caused Amazing Stories' sales to soar, and others began to write in about their own similar experiences!

In Spring 1948 Palmer (under the pseudonym "Robert N. Webster") started publising Fate magazine, dedicated to the "Shaver Mystery" and similar paranormal tales. The feature article of issue one was the story of Kenneth Arnold and the "flying saucers".

The popularity of Fate led to many similar magazines: some professionally produced, others privately made "fanzines". At least some of the latter were actually created as hoaxes. Gray Barker, head of Saucerian Publications and known UFO photo hoaxer, invented the "Men In Black" in his 1956 book They Knew Too Much About Flying Saucers. More recent hoaxers that created entirely new pseudoscience legends include crop circles and Charles Berlitz's Philadelphia Experiment and revivals and retroconditioning of the Atlantis story and of the Roswell Incident.

A famous pseudoscience movement of the 20th Century was the Ancient Astronaut hypothesis. It claimed that the legends of ancient people interacting with heroes and gods who taught them skills and knowledge were actually a partial record of encounters with aliens.

As archaeologist Kenneth Feder points out, Ancient Astronaut proposer Erich von Däniken suggests that alien knowledge was necessary for building numerous structures throughout history in Africa, Asia, and the Americas, but doesn't suggest that the people of Europe needed alien technology or skills to do their own contemporary buildings.

Some patterns of pseudoscience:

-Often uses the following argument when confronted with cases of fraud: "Well, perhaps many, even most cases of [crop circles UFO abductions Bigfoot sightings etc.] are hoaxes or misunderstood natural phenomena, but could they ALL be hoaxes or misunderstood natural phenomena?" In fact, a perfectly legitimate answer to that question is "Yes, absolutely! 100% of them could quite easily be hoaxes or misunderstandings!"

Characterization of Quack Theories

-Pseudoscience often begins as self-published literature ("samizdat", as the Russians' say). In today's world, with the WWW, there are uncritical self-published websites ("samizdata") for just about any pseudoscientific subject out there.

-Pseudoscience attempts to use the language of Science (big words, especially!), but not the methods of Science (especially parsimony, falsifiability, and multiple working hypotheses).

Part of the appeal of pseudoscience is that the audience is let in on the "Big Secret" that the "Authorities" don't want them to know!

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

George Bush family conspiracy theory

The Bush family conspiracy theory is a conspiracy theory used to describe various negative theories alleging conspiracies or misdeeds involving or concerning members of the family of President George W. Bush, including the President's brother, Florida Governor Jeb Bush, their brother Neil Bush, their father and ex-President George H. W. Bush, grandfather Prescott Bush, and great-grandfather George Herbert Walker. Some allege criminal conspiracies involving usually United States multinational corporations and vested interests, US government organizations, and various dictators. While some attach great importance to suggested links which connect individuals and companies, others dismiss some or all of the conspiracy theories as fantasy and claim that these connections are normal for business families and do not imply wrongdoing or negative intent.


This conspiracy theory often refers to the alleged secret organization with one of the pejorative terms: Bush League, Bush Buddies, or Texas Taliban. The first is a pun on the baseball term "bush league"— minor league amateurs, or an allusion to George W. Bush's experience with the Texas Rangers baseball team. The others are alliterative.

A mixture of allegations have been made, trying to link the Bush family and their associates to various forms of intrigue or alleged wrongdoing. Many people, from a wide variety of viewpoints that range from pro-Bush, anti-Bush or neutral, consider the particular points cited by these conspiracy theorists to be paranoid and not linked to each other in a meaningful way. What many people believe or don't believe to be paranoid also depends on which specific conspiracy theory or on what specific allegations one is talking about. It should also be noted that many people are not familiar with some or all of these theories or with some or all of the allegations within them, and that therefore, they do not have an opinion as to whether these theories or allegations are paranoid or not.

Owing to the fact the Bush family has provided the last two Republican presidents, there may be a confusion of family conspiracy with what is actually normal political maneuvering by the Republican party. Additionally, members of the Bush family are politically and economically powerful, so it is natural that they have connections to other major political and business figures, some of whom have inevitably unsavory reputations.

A number of allegations have been made about different members of the Bush family at different times and so it is difficult to discuss these allegations sensibly as a whole. Listed below are assorted allegations and rebuttals, but any serious consideration of these allegations should be made on a strictly individual basis. These allegations range from ones widely regarded as specious and unsubstantiated to those which of been the subject of fierce public debate.

Allegations/conspiracy theories

The following are typical allegations made as part of or in support of the theory. These allegations are not considered proven, or even widely accepted.

Prescott Bush supported the Nazis.
The Bush family supports crime and Satanism through the Skull and Bones Society.
While George H.W. Bush was head of the CIA, he may have been involved in the 1976 assassination of Orlando Letelier. Bush remains silent on this issue, and the CIA refuses to release many of the internal documents which could shed some light on it.
Ayatollah Khomeini dealt with George Bush and/or his operatives to arrange the Iran-Contra deal and allegedly the October Surprise, on behalf of U.S. Presidential candidate Ronald Reagan.
While Vice President, George H.W. Bush was responsible for Saddam's acquisition of weapons and funding during the Iran-Iraq War.
Osama bin Laden, then a minor Mujahedeen leader in Afghanistan, is reputed to have been a CIA agent who made use of CIA resources and US-funds to bolster the morale of radical Islamists after the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. Further, the Bush family, through its ties to the bin Laden family and other connections, otherwise aided bin Laden's rise.
The Bushes are somehow responsible for Hinckley's assassination attempt against President Reagan, which would have made George H.W. Bush president.
There was an organized conspiracy between Jeb Bush, the U.S. Supreme Court, and ChoicePoint to rig the American presidential election in 2000.
The Bushes support the oil industry to enhance their own financial interests in the industry.
The September 11, 2001 Terrorist Attack was planned or sanctioned by the Bush administration. (See 9/11 domestic conspiracy theory)
The 2003 U.S. invasion of Iraq was planned by members of the Bush administration following the goals of PNAC, with the stated reasons (the threat of WMDs and terrorism in the wake of the September 11 attacks) being political cover.
Dick Cheney planned and executed the 2003 invasion of Iraq for the benefit of Halliburton.
Through legislation and actions which extend executive powers and reduce oversight as justified by the War on Terrorism, the Bush administration is working toward establishing a totalitarian state.


The following are the parts of known history which have led people to make further unproven claims.

Businesses associated with Prescott Bush, such as the Union Banking Corporation, were confiscated just prior to World War II under the Trading With the Enemy Act.
George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush were members of the Skull and Bones secret society (Bush's membership in the Skull and Bones society was the subject of several Doonesbury cartoons).
George H.W. Bush was head of the Central Intelligence Agency in 1976-77.
John Hinckley Jr, the "deranged drifter with the hots for Jodie Foster", also happened to be the son of one of George H.W. Bush's better supporters in his campaign against Ronald Reagan; the Hinckleys' Vanderbilt Energy was threatened with a $2-million fine the morning of the assassination attempt; the families are sufficiently close that Scott Hinckley and Neil Bush had a dinner appointment for the next day.[1]
George W. Bush has sealed the presidential records of both himself and his father.
Saddam Hussein, was provided with weapons and funding during the Iran-Iraq War in the 1980s, during the Reagan administration, in which George H.W. Bush was Vice President. In addition, Donald Rumsfeld, Secretary of Defense under George W. Bush was the Special Envoy to the Middle East in this period, appointed by President Ronald Reagan and met personally with Saddam Hussein during the Iran-Iraq war.
Dick Cheney was G.H.W. Bush's Defense Secretary, and G.W. Bush's Vice-President. Cheney is the former President and CEO of Halliburton Company which has been given, by George W. Bush, an exclusive (and unbidded) contract in postwar Iraq. In addition, Halliburton's accounting firm was Arthur Andersen. This latter firm was conviced of obstruction of justice and, allegedly, committed fraud.
The Carlyle Group is an investment group which includes both the Bush family and bin Laden family (one of the richest in Saudi Arabia). Furthermore, George W. Bush and Salem bin Laden were coinvestors/business partners in Arbusto Energy.
The 2000 Presidential Election was won by George W. Bush in Florida, whose governor was his brother, Jeb Bush, after a decision by the U.S. Supreme Court.
The Project for the New American Century, which in 1990s advocated the invasion of Iraq for reasons of geopolitical strategy, included Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz, and the "Prince of Darkness" Richard Perle, all of whom subsquently held influential positions in the Bush administration.
The George W. Bush administration pushed for the USA PATRIOT Act and has used the new powers in a variety of cases.
The Bush administration does not accept the International Criminal Court's authority over American citizens, and members of the administration have questioned the usefulness of the United Nations.
George W. Bush, during the 2003 State of the Union Address, said that British intelligence had learned Iraq had been attempting to purchase uranium from Africa. That claim was based on information which the CIA said it could not verify, and CIA head George Tenet accepted responsibility for failing to remove the assertion from the speech in the fact-checking stage. An earlier document specifically documenting a supposed buy from Niger was known to be a forgery and was not referred to in any Bush speech.
Bush, as governor of Texas, presided over the execution of hundreds of condemned criminals, and joked about some of them prior to and after their executions.
George W. Bush twice claimed (, ) to have seen the first September 11 plane crash into the World Trade Center on live television, even though that crash was not in a public broadcast until much later.
Bush plans to have nuclear waste stored at the volcanic Yucca Mountain facility.
Bush has made the following statements:

"I told all four [congressional leaders] that there were going to be some times where we don't agree with each other. But that's OK. If this were a dictatorship, it'd be a heck of a lot easier, just so long as I'm the dictator." December 18, 2000.

Answering a repeated reporter question about the anti-Bush
, "But how far should these guys go?", Bush replied "There ought to be limits to freedom. We're aware of the site, and this guy is just a garbage man, that's all he is. Of course I don't appreciate it. And you wouldn't, either." May 21, 1999.

Response to allegations

Critics of the theory allege that its proponents mispresent events as part of the theory.

That G.H.W. Bush was vice-president during the Reagan Administration does not necessarily link Bush to Saddam's acquisition of weapons and funding during the Iran-Iraq War. Most vice-presidents have little role in the working of an administration and often have little practical influence over policy or decision-taking.
G.H.W. Bush's was head of the CIA from 1976 to 1977. Osama bin Laden's period as an alleged CIA agent occurred a decade later, when Bush was president. Presidents are, because of their workload, not involved in the hiring of CIA agents. Also considering that at any point CIA has thousands of agents acting worldwide, it seems unlikely that USA Presidents are personally associated with all of them. Furthermore, there is no evidence that bin Laden ever was an agent or an associate of or had any relationship at all with the CIA.
Many people work in a number of administrations. That Dick Cheney worked in the administrations of G.H.W. and G.W. Bush is neither unusual nor does it demonstrate a conspiracy. He also served in the administrations of Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford.
Many people internationally are associated with the Carlyle Group. As it is a large international investment group, it would be surprising if the Bush and bin Laden families were not in it or in some other group together. Former British Prime Minister John Major is also associated with it. The bin Ladens in fact have also disowned Osama bin Laden, who is an opponent of organisations such as the Carlyle Group, which he has accused of embodying international economic imperialism.
Many presidents have said "The job of the President would be easier, if I were a dictator" or something similar, including Franklin D. Roosevelt and John F. Kennedy. In those cases the comment was made tongue-in-cheek. There is no evidence that Bush intended it in any other way. Similar arguments are applied to the "limits on freedom" statement.
Bill Clinton stated "When personal freedom's being abused, you have to move to limit it." and "[we] can't be so fixated on our desire to preserve the rights of ordinary Americans."
While proponents of the conspiracy link Bush family members to a range of groups, from Nazis to Ayatollah Khomeini, Saddam Hussein to the Carlyle Group and the bin Laden, supporters of Bush argue that there is no connection between Bush, these people, and each other. They further note that although Bush may have had dealings with the bin Ladens, he didn't have such dealings with Osama bin Laden himself.
Many rich people and companies became involved with the Nazis due to pre-existing business relationships with Germany. Becoming disengaged from such relationships cannot happen overnight. Historians agree that Hitler's grasp for power did not rely on foreign trade, and that the Skull and Bones symbol used by the Totenkopf units of the Waffen-SS was designed by Karl Maria Wiligut, an advisor to Heinrich Himmler and Neopaganist.
Floridian electoral jiggery-pokery goes back at least three decades, and involves Democrats like Janet Reno; so it's hardly a Bush invention.

As a result, critics of the Bush family conspiracy theory see it as a string of unconnected claims which have at most pure circumstantial evidence but which contains no hard evidence of any longterm conspiracy.

Saturday, July 29, 2006

the "Big Lie"

The United States is the most media-saturated country in the world. We are bombarded daily with thousands upon thousands of images and sounds designed to get our attention, entertain, and inform us of everything from shoes to food to celebritydom to political ideology. Its been estimated that the average American is exposed to more than 3000 advertisements every day, but on top of that, there are the news programs, sitcoms, films, radio and other forms of media that we choose to consume. All of this works to shape our opinions of the world and a great deal of time, effort, and money is spent to guide our opinions down particular avenues. This used to be called "propaganda". Today, with the negative, Nazi-esque connotation which comes with that word, euphemisms such as misinformation, disinformation, image consulting, political consulting, news consulting, advertising, infomercials, public relations, damage control, and the art of spin have taken its place in the English lexicon, all but concealing its true nature and omnipresence. And omnipresent, it is. The industries that deal with information control – in both the commercial and governmental sectors—work with hundreds of millions of dollars annually. Uninformed, ignorant masses are far easier to manipulate than educated, thinking masses.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Fun Facts About Chocolate

You would have to eat more than a dozen Hershey Bars to get the amount of caffeine in one cup of coffee.

A favorite dish of the Aztecs was roast turkey with chocolate gravy.

The best selling candy bar in the U.S. is Snickers.

Chocolate manufacturers currently use 40 percent of the world's almonds and 20 percent of the world's peanuts.

Chocolate syrup was used for blood in the famous shower scene in Alfred Hitchcock's movie, Psycho.

White chocolate contains no caffeine.

Half of Americans choose what chocolate they eat by the shape of the piece.

American chocolate manufacturers use about 1.5 billion pounds of milk—only surpassed by the cheese and ice cream industries.

On his fourth voyage to the New World, in 1502, Christopher Columbus was the first European to taste chocolate.

In soda fountain slang, a "bucket of mud" is a bowl of chocolate ice cream.

In a recent survey, 70 percent of female respondents said they would rather have chocolate than sex.

Chocolate first appeared on film when Jean Harlow ate candy in the 1933 comedy Dinner at Eight.

Sixty-three percent of Americans say they can't resist buying a chocolate for themselves when buying chocolates for someone else.

The average American eats about 10 pounds of chocolate a year. The Swiss average 20 pounds a year.

It takes 400 cacao beans to make one pound of chocolate.

Nabisco uses more than 37 million pounds of chocolate a year to make Chips Ahoy cookies.

The microwave was invented after a researcher walked by a radar tube and a chocolate bar melted in his pocket.

Chocolate was once considered a temptation of the devil.

Vanilla is used to make chocolate.

Of all cookies baked in the United States, 25 percent are chocolate chip.

A national survey showed 80 percent of U.S. teachers in grades kindergarten through eighth grade have received chocolate as a gift from their students.

There are 96 Hershey's Kisses in one pound.

The factory in Hackettstown, New Jersey which makes M&Ms produces 300 million M&Ms a day or about 100 billion M&Ms a year.

According to a survey of sex shop owners, chocolate is the least popular flavor of edible underwear.

Consumers spend more than $7 billion a year on chocolate.

U.S. consumers eat 2.8 billion pounds of chocolate annually, representing nearly half of the world's supply.

Chocolate can be lethal to dogs.

Each Hershey's Kiss is wrapped in five square inches of foil wrap.

Napoleon carried chocolate with him on his military campaigns, and always ate it when he needed quick energy.

Chocolate in a blue wrapper won't sell in Shanghai or Hong Kong because the Chinese associate blue with death.

Friday, July 07, 2006

Word of the Day

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Wednesday, July 05, 2006


Once the religious, the hunted and weary
Chasing the promise of freedom and hope
Came to this country to build a new vision
Far from the reaches of kingdom and pope
Like good Christians, some would burn the witches
Later some got slaves to gather riches

But still from near and far to seek America
They came by thousands to court the wild
And she just patiently smiled and bore a child
To be their spirit and guiding light

And once the ties with the crown had been broken
Westward in saddle and wagon it went
And 'til the railroad linked ocean to ocean
Many the lives which had come to an end
While we bullied, stole and bought our a homeland
We began the slaughter of the red man

But still from near and far to seek America
They came by thousands to court the wild
And she just patiently smiled and bore a child
To be their spirit and guiding light

The blue and grey they stomped it
They kicked it just like a dog
And when the war over
They stuffed it just like a hog

And though the past has it's share of injustice
Kind was the spirit in many a way
But it's protectors and friends have been sleeping
Now it's a monster and will not obey

The spirit was freedom and justice
And it's keepers seem generous and kind
It's leaders were supposed to serve the country
But now they won't pay it no mind
'Cause the people grew fat and got lazy
And now their vote is a meaningless joke
They babble about law and order
But it's all just an echo of what they've been told
Yeah, there's a monster on the loose
It's got our heads into a noose
And it just sits there watchin'

Our cities have turned into jungles
And corruption is stranglin' the land
The police force is watching the people
And the people just can't understand
We don't know how to mind our own business
'Cause the whole worlds got to be just like us
Now we are fighting a war over there
No matter who's the winner
We can't pay the cost
'Cause there's a monster on the loose
It's got our heads into a noose
And it just sits there watching

(America) America where are you now?
Don't you care about your sons and daughters?
Don't you know we need you now
We can't fight alone against the monster.

Words and music by John Kay, Jerry Edmonton, Nick St. Nicholas and Larry Byrom


How well do you really know your mate?

The old saying about men and women being from different planets isn't always a joke: You may really be married to someone from outer space!

"As many as 5 million aliens are living in the United States after taking on human form," says Dr. James Kune, a physicist and former government UFO expert. "They're evenly split between male and female, and most of them are married though childless.

"My research has determined that the average person has a 50-50 chance of being married to one."

Dr. Kune says he has researched human-alien marriages for the past 10 years and uncovered at least 1,000 cases of aliens passing themselves off as humans -- so convincingly, few spouses have the slightest clue.

"Their motives for coming here remain unclear," he says. "World conquest, the desire to live on a strange planet, overcrowding on their home world -- take your pick. We will know the answer eventually."

Dr. Kune says aliens mate with us for both practical and emotional reasons.

"In the early years of alien visitation, many E.T.s were looking only for cover -- marrying a human man or woman took suspicion off them as outsiders. Eventually they realized that not all humans marry, that they could just as easily pass as 'confirmed bachelors' or 'old maids.' "

But most aliens actually did end up marrying. "For most other species, it's unnatural NOT to pair off with someone. The longer they stayed here, the lonelier and more eager for companionship they became. And so they began developing actual loving relationships with humans.

"One of the most surprising findings in my research is that these alien-human relationships are among Earth's strongest marriages. While the overall divorce rate for U.S. marriages is hovering around 50 percent, almost 90 percent of alien-human marriages last well beyond the so-called 'seven-year itch' that often marks the end of human-to-human marriage.

"I can only theorize that the aliens are working harder to make their relationships succeed, probably to protect their true identities. Or maybe they just like being married -- which," he says with a smile, "really should be our first clue that they're not human."

Getting serious again, Dr. Kune has several signs that point to your spouse being out of this world.

Alien husbands:

Love to fix things around the house -- and actually repair what's broken instead of making it worse. "This is obviously a function of their highly developed mechanical and scientific skills," Dr. Kune says. "They usually have every high-tech power tool they can get their hands on, and keep it all compulsively organized."

Do not use the TV remote to "surf" at lightning speed through channels, but stop at each program to absorb the information before moving on.

Are energized and stimulated by physical contact with their wife. They often initiate long conversations after a lovemaking session, in order to better understand the experience.

Will ask for directions when they're lost -- sometimes. "A significant number are just as stubborn about it as human men," Dr. Kune says. "I suspect that a lot of aliens are on this planet only because they couldn't find their way to their planned destination."

Alien wives:

Are fascinated by sporting events, especially those on TV. They become very quiet during a game and do not question their husband about it, preferring to focus on the game and tune in telepathically to the coaches and players.

Approach housework and meal preparation as research into human labor, which they prefer to conduct on their own. "When their husbands offer to help them with these duties, several alien wives reported feeling hurt and insulted," Dr. Kune says.

Work hard at being fit and attractive by getting regular exercise and practicing good nutrition. "I have not found a single instance of an alien wife asking her husband if she looks fat," Dr. Kune says.

Are analytical and logical in arguments with their husband, "although we are beginning to see the early development of the skill of weeping," Dr. Kune says, "as alien women become more assimilated into our civilization."

A Man or a Mouse? Or Both?

What happens when you cross a human and a mouse? Sounds like the beginning of a bad joke but, in fact, it's a serious experiment recently carried out by a research team headed by a distinguished molecular biologist, Irving Weissman, at Stanford University. Scientists injected human brain cells into mouse foetuses, creating a strain of mice that was approximately 1% human. Weissman is considering a follow-up experiment that would produce mice whose brains are made up of 100% human cells.

What if the mice escaped the laboratory and began to proliferate in the outside environment? What might be the ecological consequences of mice with human brain cells let loose in nature? Weissman says that, of course, he would keep a tight rein on the mice and if they showed even the slightest signs of humanness, he would kill them. Hardly reassuring.

In a world where the bizarre has become all too commonplace, few things shock the human psyche. But experiments like the one that produced a partially humanized mouse stretch the limits of human tinkering with nature to the realm of the pathological.

This new research field — creating hybrid creatures out of different species — is at the cutting edge of the biotech revolution and is called chimeric experimentation (after the monster of Greek mythology that was part lion, part goat and part serpent).

The first such chimeric experiment occurred many years ago when scientists in Edinburgh, Scotland, fused together a sheep and goat embryo — two completely unrelated animal species that are incapable of mating and producing a hybrid offspring in nature. The resulting creature, called a geep, was born with the head of a goat and the body of a sheep.

Now, scientists have their sights trained on breaking the final taboo in the natural world — crossing humans and animals to create new human-animal hybrids of every kind and description. Already, aside from the humanized mouse, scientists have created pigs with human blood running through their veins and sheep with livers and hearts that are mostly human.

The experiments are designed to advance medical research. Indeed, a growing number of genetic engineers argue that human-animal hybrids will usher in a golden era of medicine. Researchers say the more humanized they can make research animals, the better able they will be to model the progression of human diseases, test new drugs and harvest tissues and organs for transplantation into human bodies.

Some researchers are speculating about human-chimpanzee chimeras — creating a humanzee. A humanzee would be the ideal laboratory research animal because chimpanzees are so closely related to human beings. Chimpanzees share 98% of the human genome, and a fully mature chimp has the equivalent mental abilities and consciousness of a 4-year-old human.

Fusing a human and chimpanzee embryo — a feat researchers say is quite feasible — could produce a creature so human that questions regarding its moral and legal status would throw 4,000 years of ethics into utter chaos.

Would such a creature enjoy human rights and protections under the law? For example, it's possible that such a creature could cross the species barrier and mate with a human. Would society allow inter-species conjugation? Would a humanzee have to pass some kind of "humanness" test to win its freedom? Would it be forced into doing menial labor or be used to perform dangerous activities? If the whole purpose of creating this hybrid is to perform medical experiments, could those experiments possibly be morally permissible?

Please understand that none of this is science fiction. Anticipating a flurry of new experiments, the National Academy of Sciences, the country's most august scientific body, is expected to issue guidelines for chimeric research in April. What would be the ramifications of creating hundreds, even thousands, of new life-forms that are part human and part other creature? Creatures that could mate, reproduce and repopulate the Earth?

Bioethicists are already clearing the moral path for human-animal chimeric experiments, arguing that once society gets past the revulsion factor, the prospect of new, partially human creatures has much to offer the human race.

Of course, this is exactly the kind of reasoning that has been put forth time and again to justify what is fast becoming a macabre journey into a Brave New World in which all of nature can be ruthlessly manipulated and re-engineered to suit the momentary needs and whims and caprices of just one species, the Homo sapiens.

This time, we risk undermining our own species' biological integrity in the name of human progress. With chimeric technology, scientists now have the power to rewrite the evolutionary saga — to sprinkle parts of Homo sapiens into the rest of the animal kingdom as well as fuse parts of other species into our own genome and even to create new human subspecies and super-species. Are we on the cusp of a biological renaissance, as some believe, or sowing the seeds of our own destruction?

What scientists fail to mention is that there are other equally promising and less invasive alternatives to these bizarre experiments. There's sophisticated computer modeling to study disease and to test the effectiveness and toxicity of drugs. There's in vitro tissue culture, nanotechnology and artificial prostheses to substitute for human tissue and organs. When it comes to chimeric experimentation, then, the question is, at what price?

I believe the price is too steep. We should draw the line at this type of experimentation and prohibit any further research into creating human-animal chimeras.

Jeremy Rifkin is the author of "The Biotech Century" (Tarcher, 1999).

the real “Indiana Jones”

Otto Wilhelm Rahn (1904 - 1939) is one of the most enigmatic figures of the 20th Century but, paradoxically, one of the least known. Popular opinion has it that in the early 1930s, on the orders of Adolf Hitler and Heinrich Himmler, Rahn was sent to the South of France to find and bring to his Nazi masters the fabled Treasures of the Temple of Solomon, which included the Grail Chalice and the Ark of the Covenant. These legendary artifacts would have been employed by Hitler and his cohorts as occult talismans of power to give them an upper hand in their demonic quest for world domination. Convinced he had cracked a code in the pages of Wolfram von Eschenbach's classic novel "Parsifal" and identified the hiding place, the language scholar Rahn travelled to Languedoc.

Even today no one knows if Rahn ever did find the Grail. Otto Rahn took his secrets to the grave when in March 1939 he committed suicide...or did he? Otto Rahn’s exploration objectives in the Pyrenees and their alleged outcomes have forged a legend which Steven Spielberg’s researchers readily conceded was their inspiration for the creation of one of Hollywood’s most exciting and notable screen characters: Indiana Jones

Raiders of the Found Ark?

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Friday, June 16, 2006

I was misinformed.....

Here's a collection of popular myths about Bogie and his films:

Bogie's birthdate

According to The Complete Films of Humphrey Bogart, Bogie was actually born on January 23, 1899. Warner publicity later "changed" his birthdate to December 25, "possibly to foster the view that a man born on Christmas Day couldn't really be as villainous as he appeared to be on screen."

As Laurie McLaughlin points out, however, Lauren Bacall wrote in her autobiography that she and Bogie celebrated his birthday on Christmas and that he felt he was cheated out of a birthday by being born on that day. The book Bogart & Bacall describes Maude Bogart giving birth on Christmas Day, 1899. And Robert Young writes, "I actually have a copy of Bogie and Bacall's marriage license application. It has Bogie's date of birth and also has Natalie Bacall's consent signature. I got it right out of the Richland County, Ohio, Probate Court records office when Kristin and I were there last year. December 25, 1899 is what the document states as Mr. Bogarts date of birth. New York City, New York." Finally, according to Bogart, by Sperber & Lax, "The Ontario County Times, which kept tabs on the region's notables, announced in its January 10, 1900, issue: 'Born: at New York, Dec. 25, 1899, to Dr. and Mrs. Belmont DeForest Bogart, a son.'"

How Bogie got his lisp

According to press releases, Bogie got his distinctive lisp because a splinter from a ship's rail destroyed in a submarine attack hit him in the face while serving as a boatswain's mate onboard the U.S.S. Leviathan, a troop transport during WWI. According to Bogart and Bacall, though, Bogie's father hit him in the mouth when he was about 10 years old. And Brian Thornton recalls reading in another biography that Bogie himself always maintained that he was working a brig detail, and was hit in the face with handcuffs by an inmate trying to make an escape.

As J.D. Clark points out, in David Niven's book, Bring on the Empty Horses, Niven wrote: "His famous lisp was caused by a badly performed operation on his lower lip in which a splinter of wood had become embedded. 'Goddamn doctor--instead of stitching it up, he screwed it up.' I asked him how the piece of wood had got into his lip in the first place. 'Accident as a kid,' he shrugged. The Warner Brothers publicity department improved upon this and announced that it was a 'shrapnel wound suffered during combat in World War I.'"

On the other hand, as Marey Mac noted, according to Louise Brooks in her book Lulu in Hollywood, when she knew Bogart in the late 1920s/early 1930s there was nothing wrong with the way he talked. In fact, he practised different ways of speaking to make himself seem "more original."

Ronald Reagan was originally cast as Rick in Casablanca

According to Round Up the Usual Suspects, Reagan was never seriously considered for the role. A press release announcing that Reagan and Ann Sheridan would star as Rick and Ilsa was simply a publicity stunt, "little different from the false publicity about a star taking a lovely bath by candlelight during the first blackout of the war." In fact, "no one except Bogart was seriously considered by [producer Hal] Wallis for the part."

Bogie was the Gerber baby

It was rumored that Bogie is the baby whose picture is featured on Gerber baby food products. But it's not true. Bogie was used as a model by his mother, an advertising artist, and he appeared on products by a company named Mellin, but Gerber didn't even exist until he was around 28 years old.

Bogie and Ed Sullivan were brothers

Apparently a lot of people have heard it. It's simply not true. According to all the biographies, Bogie had two sisters and no brothers. End of story.

Andy Williams dubbed Lauren Bacall's singing

According to legend, Andy Williams sang for Bacall in To Have and Have Not. Not true. According to Bogart, by Sperber & Lax, "Some later accounts alleged that the actual singing was done by a very young Andy Williams, dubbed in for Bacall. But studio memos and production reports make it clear that the voice in the film is her own."

And, of course, there are the famous non-quotes:

• Play it again, Sam!
• If you need me, just whistle.
• Tennis, anyone? - Allegedly Bogart's first line on stage in a Broadway play, but there's no evidence he EVER said it, let alone as his first line, and what his first line really was is unknown.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Does the Koran really promise Islamic martyrs 72 virgins?

First, nonfundamentalist Muslims don't take the cosmological parts of the Koran any more literally than nonfundamentalist Christians take the biblical story of Genesis. They understand the bits about virgins and so on as metaphors for the ineffable joys of the afterlife. Second, while dreams of celestial babes may motivate the impoverished Palestinian kids who blow themselves up on Israeli street corners, a number of the 9-11 terrorists were older and had known something of earthly delights. That these middle-class types nonetheless were suicidal fanatics is yet another indication that we've entered a scary new phase.

The difficulty in determining what the Koran has to say about virgins and such is establishing what the Koran says, period. Translators vary widely in their rendering of the spare and often opaque text.

For example, we find the following passage in a Web-based version of Islam's holy book:

"Verily, for the Muttaqun [righteous], there will be a success (paradise); gardens and grapeyards; and young full-breasted (mature) maidens of equal age; and a full cup (of wine)" (An-Naba 78:31-34).

Whoa, one thinks--the Kingdom of Heaven meets the Playboy Advisor! However, most other English translations, both on-line and in print, replace "full-breasted maidens" with some tame construction such as "companions." Inquiring further, we find that the Arabic word at issue is WakawaAAiba, which appears nowhere else in the Koran. The French, less prudish in these matters, usually render it as something like des belles aux seins arrondis, "beautiful women with round breasts," so I think it's pretty clear what the Prophet, or at least his stenographers, had in mind.

Nothing in the Koran specifically states that the faithful are allotted 72 virgins apiece. For this elaboration we turn to the hadith, traditional sayings traced with varying degrees of credibility to Muhammad. Hadith number 2,562 in the collection known as the Sunan al-Tirmidhi says, "The least [reward] for the people of Heaven is 80,000 servants and 72 wives, over which stands a dome of pearls, aquamarine and ruby."

A little hype from the marketing department, you may say.

Fine. Let's return to the Koran, Islam's font of religious authority. Even if we leave out the racy detail and make allowances for metaphor, we're obliged to admit that Islamic heaven is a pretty rockin' place, with an emphasis on sensual pleasures. The provision of virgins in indeterminate quantities is alluded to at numerous points, and you know they're not just there to fluff the pillows. (In fairness to the Prophet, the physical quality usually attributed to the houris, as they're called, is "wide lovely eyes.")

The food, service, ambience., etc, are great. You're allowed to enjoy things the Koran explicitly denies you on earth, such as alcohol, and you won't even get sick. ("Wine . . . delicious to those who drink it . . . will neither dull their senses nor they will become drunk.") Granted, the whole thing is skewed toward the male idea of a good time, a defect by no means confined to Islam. Were Muhammad to found a religion today, I'm confident that each female arrival in heaven would be assigned a comely stud who would provide fabulous sex and in addition hang the curtain rods the first time he was asked. Granted, also, the emphasis on virgins is a little weird. (Think back on the first nights you've been party to. Was this your idea of great sex?) Still, you have to admit, heaven as Party Central sure beats the Christian idea of angels with harps.

Does this make Islamic cosmology "unsophisticated and juvenile"? Maybe. (Oh, let's not be lame about this. Of course it does.) But don't be too quick to judge. Christianity, after all, invented the idea of paradise in the first place. Looking at things from the point of view of a cynical materialist, which is the more outrageous proposition--luring the proles with the promise of eternal life, or throwing 72 virgins into the bargain?

Theories of the Ufo phenomenon

the ancient astronaut theory
This theory suggests that at the beginning of human history an alien race visited Earth for some reason, and interacted with the species on the planet. There are several sub theories involved here such as aliens genetically engineered mankind, etc .

the inter dimensional theory
This theory suggests UFO's are piloted by a race capable of travelling through dimensional gaps to visit our world, in fact they may even have come from Earth themselves in a different dimension.

the time travel theory
This theory suggests that in the future man has developed the means of time travel, which is actually possible according to Einstein. They have come back to study us as archaeologists sift through the soil today, looking for our past. Or they could be coming back to try and prevent an event that will happen in our future (their past) that drastically effected them and will us too.

the extra-terrestrial hypothesis
This is the famous theory which everybody thinks of when the topic of UFO's comes up.

the human theory
Technology is at present advancing at a dramatic rate, the computer you are reading this off now will, no doubt be obsolete in 2 years time at the most, probably 1!

This theory suggests that mankind has already developed the means for anti gravity flight and free energy and the like, but the governments are keeping it top secret to prevent economic collapse. There is quite a bit of evidence that during WWII Hitler has actually developed Saucer shaped craft that could seriously out-manoeuvre Allied craft at the time!!! It is said that if Hitler had delayed the end of the war anymore then the Nazi's would have had a totally different means of air combat which would have probably reversed the outcome of the war totally!

the earth theory
What if there was another species on Earth that equalled man's intelligence, or even excelled it (not hard, some may say!).

What if this race lived underground, or deep in the oceans away from mans influence. Why not??? Man doesn't know everything, well not yet, or for a long time yet!!! There are many a cases of UFO's rising or diving into/ out of the deep oceans, and there are plenty of places to hide!